Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Twitter Pick

I have gotten one twitter pick from my followers. I am now currently working on writing a short story that encompasses their idea. I hope to have it finished over the next couple of nights and posted on here then. I will post the short story, then at the end I will post what it was that they sent me for an idea, so that you know what it was that I was working with.

I am a little shocked though that I have not had more responses to this. I really thought I would. That is fine though, I am not deterred to write at all. I will write this short, and then I will continue and write a few more. I am also going to go back to some of my older shorts that I have written and I will reedit them. I will fix them, proof read them, and make them better than they ever were before. One I have done this, I am going to combine all my short stories into one book. This collection I will put onto . I hope this will help get more people involved in my writing. 

I do want to thank the huge amount of support I have been seeing from my Twitter family. I am following over 200 people, and over 200 people are following me. Although I cannot be a part of every single conversation, I am trying to interact where I can. 

I am excited though to get these short stories out there. I really want them to be perfect. Until then though, I will continue writing and editing. Wish me luck.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Twitter Followers Picks

   Hello Twitter Followers!

I want to write your stories. Send me your ideas, it could be something as small as a sentence or a theory. it could be a scene you had thought of, but couldn't write. It can be anything that you want to dream up. Add to this, I want not just horror or zombies, but I will write anything. Just add a tag to your idea about what genre you want it to be. The only thing that I will not write is erotica. This is going to be posted to my blog oover the next couple of weeks.

Depending on the number of ideas I get I will choose at least 5 of them. I may do more. Each story I write will have the person who gave me the idea as a co-author and all their twitter info will be available. Of course, you can opt out of the mention if you want to.

In order to submit an idea, you can direct message me on twitter @Belgerith or you can email me at , just put Twitter story in the subject line. Also make sure to include your information,, or a statement if you do not want me to include it.

I hope to write a lot of really cool stories, and they will all be inspired by you all.